Game Writing Portfolio
Storytelling Through Improv, Narrative Design, and World Building
Hi! I'm Aliza. When I first realized I wanted to write video games, it was after over a decade of writing professionally in other mediums. My creative work as an improviser, TTRPG performer, professional gamemaster/dungeonmaster, and screenwriter led me to realize how much I love world building and game development. Add to that decades of playing video games, and I realized that everything was pointing me to
video game development.
After a couple of years of online game writing and narrative design classes (and watching heaps of GDC talks on YouTube), I was fortunate to add the roles "video game writer" "game developer" and "narrative director" to my experience for the next couple of years. Now I'm looking for my next game development role, as a writer, narrative designer, or creative lead of a team!
In 2023 I served as Narrative Director at Vesper, a company that empowers anyone to create their own role-playing video game. I also created and wrote my own video game with Vesper, while working with developers to help build the platform, and managing and guiding other writer-creators through the process of writing their own games. In Fall 2024, Vesper will debut my game "Chromagy" as one of the first games on its creator-focused platform!
I've also written interactive fiction with StoryLoom. Check out my friend Jessica Nerdy streaming one of my StoryLoom stories,
Check out this video of me building a scifi setting with the designer & community manager of Cortex RPG.
As I look for my next role, I'm working on a couple of my own interactive and game projects. Those will be posted at, so follow me there!
Below are links to my writing and narrative design samples from
various gaming projects.